As a result of the Beirut blast on the 4th of August 2020, more than 200 people have died, more than 6000 were injured, few became disabled for life, 300,000 have found themselves displaced, and many remain missing. Pre-existing vulnerabilities are amplified especially for women and girls in Lebanon who were already vulnerable before the blast, before COVID19 and before the economic crisis!
Fe-Male launched its campaign “Women of Beirut” in collaboration with the talented photo journalist Sarah Hteit and with the support of Internews giving the chance for women and girls to share their stories, experiences, fears and thoughts. At times women issues are deprioritized, it is their right to raise their voices and be heard.

This campaign is a series of 10 Photo stories showcasing the portraits of women from different generations and backgrounds, who lived horrifying experiences due to the recent unfortunate incidents in Lebanon and whose lives have changed forever.
These stories were posted on social media in two languages (English language on Fe-Male’s accounts and Arabic language on Sharika wa Laken feminist platform accounts) and reached 2 million people only in 2 weeks! (1.5 million reach with 90k engagement on Facebook and 458k people reached through Instagram).

Fe-Male got several messages from people wanting to help and support the featured women and girls medically, financially and psychologically. Some others were touched and wanted to share their own story. TV reporters reached out to us requesting interviews with those women to support in spreading their voices further across their TV channels as well.
Women of Beirut showed much solidarity, strength and compassion in such hard times!