Tag: gender


Fe-Male Launches “Screens Do Not Protect” National Campaign

In line with our purpose to eliminate injustice against women, Fe-Male has been following closely and with great concern the growing number of reported...

Progress Report 2018-2019

→Read on Issuu This report summarizes Fe-Male’s work and achievements during the years 2018- 2019. Year of Production: 2020 → Download PDF File Available in English Full Text...

Progress Report 2012-2017

→Read on Issuu This report summarizes Fe-Male’s work and achievements during the first five years of its establishment 2012-2017. Year of Production: 2017 Report available in English →...

Fe-Male and HerStory Edit-a-thons: Youth Contributing to closing the gender gap on Wikipedia

“HerStory” Campaign honors the women who have shaped humanity and history in all fields. It strives to recognize the achievements and contributions of extraordinary...

Fe-Male Monitors the Lebanese Municipal Elections From a Gender Perspective

Election observation is a valuable tool for improving the quality of elections in any country and can help promote and protect the civil and...