Tag: Sharika wa Laken


Sharika wa laken Website turns 5!

Throughout the years, women have been struggling to voice out their demands of equality and the right to live in dignity. Since the beginning...

Sharika Wa Laken: The Online Feminist Platform

→Read on Issuu A Case Study produced by Fe-Male, introducing Sharika Wa Laken the Online Feminist Platform. It showcases SWL's progress throughout the years...

Sharika wa Laken Feminist Media Initiative (2012- Ongoing)

Objectives: In 2015, Fe-Male created the first online feminist platform in the Middle East, Sharika Wa Laken, which is the Arabic for: "A Partner,...

Life changing story: Sharika Wa Laken Fighting Trafficking

Following Fe-Male’s training on gender-sensitive investigative journalism in partnership with ABAAD and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lebanon, Fe-Male supported...

In The Guardian: Fe-Male’s participation in the World Social Forum

There’s no snow, fewer celebrities, and a lot less glitz, but the World Social Forum’s 10th global meeting, which opens in Tunis on 24 March,...